Vancouver International Airport

Coldwater Communications conducted realistic crisis simulations for YVR Airport, enhancing their emergency response capabilities. The exercises met government mandates, identified gaps, and strengthened YVR's communication team's readiness for potential crises, building crucial "crisis muscle memory".

Crisis Preparation, Full-Scale Crisis Simulation Exercise

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Ally Emergency Management
Vancouver, BC

Campaign Overview

In partnership with Ally Emergency Management, Coldwater helped plan and conduct crisis exercises for YVR Airport, emphasizing crisis communication and response. Past simulated scenarios include security threats and aircraft crashes in both table top and full-scale formats. The annual full-scale exercise brings together multiple agency partners. Stakeholder participants have included:

  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • City of Richmond
  • NAV Canada
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Public Health Agency Canada
  • United States Customs and Border Protection


Coldwater works closely with the YVR Emergency Planning and YVR Communications teams and agency stakeholders to understand the exercise objectives. This understanding informs the exercise plan, creating realistic scenarios for the YVR Communications team to respond to in their training.

Key tactics included:

  • Bringing together multiple stakeholders to understand the objectives for the training
  • Creating a realistic scenario that will meet the YVR Communications team’s training objectives
  • Conducting the exercise so it runs smoothly for the players. Coldwater team members acted as reporters, members of the public, or other stakeholders as a key part of the simulation cell that set the scenario into motion for the YVR Communications team.
  • Observing and providing recommendations for the YVR Communications team 

On-Site Support

Coldwater provides between three to four on-site support team members on the day of the full-scale exercise which runs all day starting before 6AM and into the afternoon.


YVR Airport has successfully completed two full-scale exercises and two table-top exercises working with Coldwater and Ally Emergency Management, meeting the Government of Canada’s mandate.


Coldwater’s work has helped YVR Airport practice its crisis response in emergencies. Coldwater's recommendations helped identify gaps and provided suggestions for future consideration. Through active training and practice, the YVR Communication team can build its crisis muscle memory and be ready to act when called upon.


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